Good morning everyone. I have created a new blog page. This page will contain updates on both of the howard boys now not just Garet. hope to see you there.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010

or grandma might have to run around more than she already does.
It is Halloween time and Garet is a SHARRRKKKK!!!. We went up to the church pumpkin patch the other night for there trunk or treat and at first Garet did not know what to think. When we started walking around doing our trick or treating he did not want any of the candy to go in his bag he had to carry it all. Then someone gave him a sucker and then the rest of the candy did not matter. He had two suckers and a couple minutes after that he was running around everywhere in his costume making all kinds of noises. He would say SHAARRKK SHAAAAARRKK. I am not sure if he knew that is what he was dresses up as or if he just wanted to say it. Either way it was really cute. I am so looking forward to next Sunday when we get to do some more trick or treating around Grannies house.

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Garet is 1 1/2 and baby Howard is 22 weeks.
Here we are, wow how time flies. Garet is now a year and a half. He is using his words well. Each day it surprises us what he says. It used to be we could only understand the last work of his sentence and now he is string 2 and 3 words together. Sometime I feel like I am talking to a parrot and he is just repeating what I am saying. He now things jumping on the couch is a game called "Sit down". That does not mean he sits down when I tell him to it just means that as he is jumping he says sit down, sit down. It is so hard to not giggle when he does those things. It is very cute but can very quickly turn into not cute. Matt has told me that I have to start being more strict with him. He always says that if Garet is anything like him when we was little he will be a very tricky little boy. I can already see his little wheels turning when we ask him to do something. It is like he is thinking of the fastest or easiest way to get it done or get out of it. It is so much fun to be able to talk to him and have him understand and respond.

The picture above is Garet and his Song. He loves anything that makes music. He has started a collection of maracas, drums sticks, and drum toys. This by far is his favorite musical instrument. He found it at a yard sale and loves to walk around the house with it singing his own song. We actually have to hide it when he looses interest or he will not put it away when it come bed time.

Now that the weather is cooling off it is so much fun to be outside. As soon as we get home from work and Grandmas we normally hang out outside while Matt cooks dinner on the grill. We have found that we have to find more outside toys to play with. Good thing Christmas is coming soon.

The above picture is of Garet and his new Bike. We found this at a Garage sale last week and he loves it. He still need to grow about 2 more inches to be able to peddle on his own. He can peddle a little bit till the peddles get out of reach. It does have a bell on it and it is so easy to ring so most of the time right now he sits on it and rings the bell till Matt or I come and push him around.
Garet dr update - The last visit to Shands went well. Dr Fricker only change one medication and that is just because of normal weight gain. He is now up to 23 lbs. That still puts him in the lower range of weight but he is still on the chart and that is good. He has also grown up quite a bit he is now up to 33 inches. His heart function is still around 35% so we are still just watching and waiting. We have been trying to get Garet ready for the new baby as well we can. He now has a big boy room with a big boy bed that he has slept in a couple times during nap time. We are getting ready to do the overnight transition. I just want to get a couple more naps in on his big bed so I can make sure I have everything blocked so he does not fall out of bed. That will help me sleep at night when we move him to that bed. So many thing going on and so little time to get used to it before things start to change again.
Below are the latest pictures of Baby Howard. These were taken yesterday at my high risk appointment. He were able to see the Little one for at least 30 minutes while they did a fetal ECO. It is so amazing what technology lets the drs do these days. They were able to zoom in to the heart and measure the blood pump in and out and how thick the walls of the heart are. The dr was very happy with what he saw. The heart structure looked perfect right now and the blood flow was good. I will have to go in every 4 weeks for a fetal ECO to make sure everything is still good. They have told us many option if something does start to look funny, but we will not worry about those right now. We are just happy that the baby is looking good and right on track in growth. After all the measuring and everything the computer told us the baby weights exactly 1 lb right now so that was cool to find out. We are trying not to find out the gender again this time. With ultra sounds that are this long it has to be hard to the tech to avoid that area. I secretly try to see if I can see anything but the tech we had yesterday was awesome in getting lots of pictures without getting that area in the pictures. Anyway here are the pictures enough of my talking. If you have any guesses on what gender that baby could be I would love to hear them. Have fun looking.

The picture above is Garet and his Song. He loves anything that makes music. He has started a collection of maracas, drums sticks, and drum toys. This by far is his favorite musical instrument. He found it at a yard sale and loves to walk around the house with it singing his own song. We actually have to hide it when he looses interest or he will not put it away when it come bed time.

Now that the weather is cooling off it is so much fun to be outside. As soon as we get home from work and Grandmas we normally hang out outside while Matt cooks dinner on the grill. We have found that we have to find more outside toys to play with. Good thing Christmas is coming soon.

The above picture is of Garet and his new Bike. We found this at a Garage sale last week and he loves it. He still need to grow about 2 more inches to be able to peddle on his own. He can peddle a little bit till the peddles get out of reach. It does have a bell on it and it is so easy to ring so most of the time right now he sits on it and rings the bell till Matt or I come and push him around.
Garet dr update - The last visit to Shands went well. Dr Fricker only change one medication and that is just because of normal weight gain. He is now up to 23 lbs. That still puts him in the lower range of weight but he is still on the chart and that is good. He has also grown up quite a bit he is now up to 33 inches. His heart function is still around 35% so we are still just watching and waiting. We have been trying to get Garet ready for the new baby as well we can. He now has a big boy room with a big boy bed that he has slept in a couple times during nap time. We are getting ready to do the overnight transition. I just want to get a couple more naps in on his big bed so I can make sure I have everything blocked so he does not fall out of bed. That will help me sleep at night when we move him to that bed. So many thing going on and so little time to get used to it before things start to change again.
Below are the latest pictures of Baby Howard. These were taken yesterday at my high risk appointment. He were able to see the Little one for at least 30 minutes while they did a fetal ECO. It is so amazing what technology lets the drs do these days. They were able to zoom in to the heart and measure the blood pump in and out and how thick the walls of the heart are. The dr was very happy with what he saw. The heart structure looked perfect right now and the blood flow was good. I will have to go in every 4 weeks for a fetal ECO to make sure everything is still good. They have told us many option if something does start to look funny, but we will not worry about those right now. We are just happy that the baby is looking good and right on track in growth. After all the measuring and everything the computer told us the baby weights exactly 1 lb right now so that was cool to find out. We are trying not to find out the gender again this time. With ultra sounds that are this long it has to be hard to the tech to avoid that area. I secretly try to see if I can see anything but the tech we had yesterday was awesome in getting lots of pictures without getting that area in the pictures. Anyway here are the pictures enough of my talking. If you have any guesses on what gender that baby could be I would love to hear them. Have fun looking.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Some pictures for your viewing

The weather the past couple days has started to cool off just a little bit. Instead of it being in the high 90's all day long, This morning it was 75. It is still suppose to get really hot this afternoon but at least we are getting a little relief in the morning.
We are still working on getting more calories into Garet. His pediatrician wants him to gain more weight then he is right now. He eats all the time and just burns it off as fast as he eats it.
Other than that everything is going ok in our world. We can not wait till it gets to camping time and the weather cools down for a while so we can get outside a little more and not have to take a shower as soon as we get in the house. Hope everyone is doing well.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Almost 16 months
We have had a crazy past couple of weeks. We have had some vehicle issues that we are working on getting under control. Then on the 17th we got the very unexpected news that Matts step dad at that age of 50 had suddenly passed away from a major heart attach. His step Dad has been heavily involved with raising Matt, his Brother and sister. He has been active in there family for about 20 or so year. Death is hard no matter when it happens, but to have someone take at a younger age with no warning is so scary. The services were this past Friday and they were very nice and I am sure we will never forget him and all he has helped our family with over the years. Please let this be a lesson to anyone that thinks they do not need to go in for regular check ups. The Medical examiner said that he would have gone into the Dr for any reason, even just a wellness check up, they might have been able to catch this ahead of time and he might still be with us. You need to treat your heart good and thing about what you are doing and how it might effect your life.
Onto the next subject. Garets Heart. Last Wed the 21st we went over to Gainesville for out monthly meeting with Dr Fricker and his group great people. The past couple of months we have had to go once a month. Since Garet has started to walk and run and be a crazy 1 year old, his heart function has gone down a little bit. Because this was happening they wanted to monitor him a little closer. Well it looks like things are starting to even themselves out a little again. They did there normal ECO and EKG. (These went a lot smoother this time since we brought one of Garets favorite moves with for his to watch) When Dr Fricker came in to see us Garet was running around and trying to tell him what was going on. It was to funny. Dr Fricker said that everything looks about the same as last times we had been over there. This was good news. It had not got worse. We can deal with that. He is still at about 30% function (70% is normal function) Before Garet started to walk he was almost up to 40%. We are hoping to climb back up there but will be ok with 30 right now. They did not adjust his meds or anything since he has not gained a lot of weight since the last visit. He is now up to 22 lbs and 30 inches tall. This was the first time that they used the big person scale and height checker with him. He thought it was so cool to get to stand up and get weighted and measures. We are now back to only having to go every other month. Yeah!
Onto baby #2. I have now almost reached the 12 week milestone in this pregnancy. I am hoping that the sicky feeling with start to leave me soon. I had this same feeling with Garet up till about now. At my last dr appointment they did another ultra sound since it was to early to hear the heart beat from the outside. It was very cool to see the little one. We did not get to see Garet when we was that small. My dr said that everything looked good. We were able to see the heart beating and the baby moving all over. They have me going in every month right now and then starting in September I will be going to a high risk dr as well. This way they will able to make sure everything with the babies heart looks good. It is amazing what they can do before the baby is even born. They said they will be able to do a ECO on the babies heart in September to make sure the function looks good. As long as everything continues to look normal I will be able to stay with my normal Dr and deliver at the same hospital as I did with Garet. It they see anything weird then I will have to be transferred to the high risk dr full time and then I would have to deliver at a different hospital. I really like my normal dr, he did a great job with Garet and he made me feel so comfortable about the hospital experience.
So for me I will be back to the dr next month and Garet will be back to Gainesville in September.
Sorry no pictures I have been majorly slacking in this area.
Onto the next subject. Garets Heart. Last Wed the 21st we went over to Gainesville for out monthly meeting with Dr Fricker and his group great people. The past couple of months we have had to go once a month. Since Garet has started to walk and run and be a crazy 1 year old, his heart function has gone down a little bit. Because this was happening they wanted to monitor him a little closer. Well it looks like things are starting to even themselves out a little again. They did there normal ECO and EKG. (These went a lot smoother this time since we brought one of Garets favorite moves with for his to watch) When Dr Fricker came in to see us Garet was running around and trying to tell him what was going on. It was to funny. Dr Fricker said that everything looks about the same as last times we had been over there. This was good news. It had not got worse. We can deal with that. He is still at about 30% function (70% is normal function) Before Garet started to walk he was almost up to 40%. We are hoping to climb back up there but will be ok with 30 right now. They did not adjust his meds or anything since he has not gained a lot of weight since the last visit. He is now up to 22 lbs and 30 inches tall. This was the first time that they used the big person scale and height checker with him. He thought it was so cool to get to stand up and get weighted and measures. We are now back to only having to go every other month. Yeah!
Onto baby #2. I have now almost reached the 12 week milestone in this pregnancy. I am hoping that the sicky feeling with start to leave me soon. I had this same feeling with Garet up till about now. At my last dr appointment they did another ultra sound since it was to early to hear the heart beat from the outside. It was very cool to see the little one. We did not get to see Garet when we was that small. My dr said that everything looked good. We were able to see the heart beating and the baby moving all over. They have me going in every month right now and then starting in September I will be going to a high risk dr as well. This way they will able to make sure everything with the babies heart looks good. It is amazing what they can do before the baby is even born. They said they will be able to do a ECO on the babies heart in September to make sure the function looks good. As long as everything continues to look normal I will be able to stay with my normal Dr and deliver at the same hospital as I did with Garet. It they see anything weird then I will have to be transferred to the high risk dr full time and then I would have to deliver at a different hospital. I really like my normal dr, he did a great job with Garet and he made me feel so comfortable about the hospital experience.
So for me I will be back to the dr next month and Garet will be back to Gainesville in September.
Sorry no pictures I have been majorly slacking in this area.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Vacation was a lot of fun
I was really bad at taking pictures on vacation. I am hoping that some of my family members that took pictures will email them to me so I can post more pictures for you all to see. One of Garets favorite things to do on vacation was take a bath. The bath tubs in the condos were very large and like a pool to him. He wanted to take them even if he was not messy. Lucky for him we did a lot of stuff outside so most evening he needed a bath.
We were able to go to the beach a couple times. At first Garet was not to sure of the sand and water but it only took a little while for him to warm up to it all. Below is a picture of Garet and Grandma Rose looking for shells.
We had lots of fun looking for shark teeth. Matt is one of the best for finding them. We were out in the ocean floating around and a guy near us found one down in the sand that was as big as my hand. I am just glad that he found the tooth and not the shark it belonged to. It was huge.
Beach time does wear you out. So what better place to take a nap than under the umbrella with the sound of the ocean all around. I wish I could just fall asleep anywhere and get some good rest this way.
The final picture I wanted to post is not from our vacation. Matt, Garet and I have some big news. We are going to be welcoming a new member to our family in late January early February. We are now expecting Baby Howard #2. Below is the first glimpse that we were able to get of baby Howard. We are very excited and nervous all at once. I saw the dr the other day and he said that they were going to do everything they can to get us to the correct doctors to make sure everything looks right with Baby #2 heart. We feel very blessed and thankful that we will have this addition to our family. We are now and have been praying for the health of the baby and all the doctors that will be with us on this venture to the next chapter of our lives.
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