Friday, June 5, 2009

Good news Friday

TGIF to everyone. It is funny to know that today is Friday again. Being back to work I can keep track of my days again. Well we got some good news from the doctors on this fine Friday. It looks like when they looked at the ECO yesterday that his function is not getting any worse. It may actually look a little better but they are still being cautious on that. They did say that it looks like his function is up around 29% and that is so close to the 30% that they told us would be some noticeable improvement. Last night was the first night that he did not have to have his pee medicine by IV. He has now taken all of his medicine by mouth two time. He really did not mind taking his medicine by mouth when he was only taking one or two. But now when they walk in our room at 9 at night with a ziplock bag full of meds it is not quite as good. They have him on 6 different meds for all sorts of different stuff. It us about a good 30 minutes to get him to take all of them. There are a couple that must taste good because he sucks those down. There are how ever a couple that must be just horrible. He makes the worse faces when he takes those. We normally get about half way threw his meds and then he decides that enough is enough and start to throw a fit. We just tell him how much better he is going to get if he keeps taking his medicine like a big boy. You know since he is 2 month old he understands everything that we tell him and just says ok mommy and daddy I will take all my medicine and not throw a fit. HAHAHAHA. He is so grown up already.

If he continues to do good taking his medicine and continues eating it looks like they are trying to shoot for middle of next week some time to try to come home. That will be so great to have him home and be able to start to function as a family again. They have not told us how often we are going to have to be back to the hospital for followup visits. I am sure at first it will be quite a bit. That is just fine with me. Well that is our happy Friday news. Thank you again for all the prayer and please keep them coming so we can get home and Garet can keep growing up big and strong.

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