Monday, May 18, 2009

Smooth night

May 18th, 2009 @ 1:32 pm

We got a call yesterday about 4pm from the Ronald McDonald house letting us know that they had a room ready for us. It is a nice place that we can call home as long as we are here. Matt and I tried to sleep over there lasts night but I had a hard time getting to sleep, so we ended up back in Garets room for the night. I just don't think I am ready yet to sleep away from him. It is nice to have a place to go and take a shower that is only for you.

So last night went pretty smooth. There was a little while where his Blood Pressure was a little low but they got that under control. The x-ray people came in again at about 3 am but they were a lot quieter this morning than they were the other morning.

We have had great nurses so far and really appreciate everything they are doing for our little man and for us. Today they are not changing much of what they are going to do. We are just going to keep him on the same meds that he has been on and keep him calm and stable. It is so important right now that we not make his heart work any harder than it already has to. It is so hard when he starts to squirm around because we know that he just wants to go outside and see the sun light. They tend to keep his room on the dark side so he does not wake up as much. I have a feeling once we get home he will have his days and nights mixed up. He seems to be more awake at night time than during the day. Well I guess now I am just rambling so I will say good bye for right now, but I am sure I will be back to give more updates soon.

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